Pasifik Energi Sejahtera works with partners to provide management and financial guidance while offering the ability to act as a bankable developer for RENEWABLE POWER PROJECTS in Indonesia.

Aceh, Sumatra
- Size 55 MW On-Shore Wind
- Project Cost $135 Mio
- Local permits are available
- Consistently high wind resources
- Complete FS and Grid studies
- Included in the RUPTL
- Bidding at PLN Hijaunesia program

46 Locations in East Indonesia
- Size 102 MWp PV & 252 MWh BESS
- Project Cost $235 Mio
- Winning bidder awarded
- LOI has been signed
- Included in the National Strategic Project
- ESIA consultant selection is on going
- PPA sign targeted on Q3 2024

Nias, Sumatera
- Size 6 MW PV & BESS
- Project Cost $15 Mio
- Local permits are available
- Complete FS and Grid studies
- Included in the RUPTL firm project list
- Land acquired via down payment
- Actively pursuing into the bid stage

Halamahera, Maluku
- Size 10 MW PV & BESS
- Project Cost $20 Mio
- Local permits are available
- Complete FS and Grid studies
- Included in the RUPTL firm project list
- Land acquired via down payment
- Actively pursuing into the bid stage

Bitung, North Sulawesi
- Size 90 MW On-shore Wind
- Project Cost $200 Mio
- Planning to install Met Mast
- Preliminary studies underway
- Included in the RUPTL
- Local logistic survey conducted
- In discussion with PLN subs